Clayton Lab

Research Team:

Eunjee Son, PhD Student, Georgia Tech

Arthur Santos Miranda, MCRP Candidate, Georgia Tech

Research Team Alumni:

David Losson, MCRP Candidate, Georgia Tech

Alaina Van Slooten, MCRP Candidate, Georgia Tech

Nikhil Upadhaya, Undergraduate Student, University of Georgia

Joey Chanin, MSCS Candidate, Georgia Tech (The Impact of HOPE on Entrepreneurship project)

David Moss, MCRP Candidate, Georgia Tech

Angela Praseuth, Undergraduate Student, Georgia State University

Colin Delargy, MCRP/MPP Candidate, Georgia Tech

Bianca Mers, MCRP Candidate, Georgia Tech

Trevor Butler, MCRP Candidate, Georgia Tech

PLACE Database

Clayton Lab currently manages the PLatform for Advancing Community Economies (PLACE) Database. This unique database was initiated at UNC Chapel Hill by PIs Maryann Feldman and (until 2018) Nichola Lowe. The original PLACE Database is currently housed under the CREATE Research Center at the Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise at UNC Chapel Hill. The UNC Renaissance Computing Institute hosts the MySQL database on local servers and maintains the site. 

As part of the team that developed this relational database, including using over 30 sources to triangulate longitudinal data on entrepreneurship in regional economies and develop database fields and search methodologies, Paige is excited to begin replicating and expanding this work to cover the state of Georgia. 

Mapping Georgia's Innovation Ecosystem Resources

Working version available here: 

Please email paigeclayton (AT) with any organizations we may be missing so that the team can add them.

Screen shot of PLACE: Database welcome page.